Hair Restoration

Losing weight can bring many different benefits, including a slimmer waistline, increased energy, lower blood pressure and decreased risk of diabetes. However, if your diet is too strict and you lose weight too quickly, you could experience adverse side effects, like thinning hair. That doesn’t mean you have to put your weight loss goals on hold. If you lose weight correctly, you can prevent hair loss.

Here are some tips to prevent hair loss when dieting.

Don’t Lose More Than 1 to 2 Pounds a Week

The idea of losing weight and getting your dream body quickly sounds great. However, losing weight too rapidly can hurt your body in many ways, like thinning out your hair. If you lose weight at a rapid pace, it can shock your body and increase your risk of hair loss. That’s why you shouldn’t try to lose more than 1 to 2 pounds a week. It may take longer to reach your goal weight, but it will be worth it. Eat three balanced meals a day and avoid crash diets that promise fast weight loss results.

Include Enough Protein in Your Diet

Including protein in every meal won’t just help you feel fuller longer. It can also reduce the risk of hair loss. Your hair is made up of protein and not getting enough protein-rich foods from your diet can cause hair thinning. When you’re trying to lose weight, you can include lean meats, chicken, lentils, tofu, eggs and nuts in your diet. 

Be Extra Gentle With Your Hair

While you should always treat your hair with care, it’s even more important to do so when you’re trying to lose weight. Incorporating healthy hair habits can help keep your hair healthy and strong while your dieting so that you can avoid hair loss. Try to limit your use of heat styling tools, massage your scalp every day and don’t brush your hair when it’s wet. You may also want to talk to your doctor about taking certain hair vitamins.

Eat Enough Whole Grains

It’s also important to include plenty of whole grains in your diet. They contain iron, which extremely important for the health of your hair. Zinc deficiency is a common cause of hair loss. Good sources of whole grains include brown rice, barley, quinoa, and oats.

Still Troubled By Hair Loss?

If you’re experiencing hair loss, it might be time to talk to a hair restoration professional. It’s possible to get a full head of hair again with a hair transplant. The procedure removes hair from others parts of your body and then implants it to a balding part of your body. Getting a hair transplant is safe and can help you achieve a full head of hair again.

Schedule a consultation with a hair transplant doctor to discuss the process in detail and determine if you’re the right candidate or not.


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Dr. Robin Unger, MD, Hair Restoration NYC